Handicap Access to the Rodin Museum

The Musée Rodin consists of a building and gardens which house many excellent Rodin sculptures. The most famous of the sculptor’s works is The Thinker which is in the gardens. Handicap access to the Rodin Museum is through the ticket office which has level access at the front and a ramp at the back leading to the gardens. In this building there are rental wheelchairs. Admission is free for disabled visitors.
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After passing the ticket booth, you will go down a short ramp with 4 star flatness into a courtyard with 3 star flat cobblestones. The mansion that Rodin lived in is directly in front of you and has a ramp at the entrance. It holds numerous works of art by Rodin on the ground floor and the upper floor. There is no elevator to get to the upper floor.
If you are at the ticket booth and facing the mansion, immediately to your right in the gardens is The Thinker. The short path leading to The Thinker is flat and is made of crushed gravel with 5 star firmness.
The Rodin Museum is located near the Hôtel des Invalides (containing Napoleon’s tomb and the Army Museum). The route is 500 m long, is flat, and has no cobblestones.
Is there an accessible entrance? Yes
Where is it located? North of the building on Rue de Varenne
Are there steps to get into the building? Flat to the garden, steps and ramp to get into the building
Is it just a single step, a few, or many? 4 steps
Is there a ramp or elevator to get around the steps? Ramp
Is the door push/pull, revolving, automated by a button, or motion activated? Push/pull
Where is the closest place that cars/taxis can drop-off people? Outside the entrance on Rue de Varenne
Are there cobblestones or hills leading to the entrance? No cobblestones, there is a ramp going into the building
What percentage of the attraction can be viewed without having to go up steps? 70%
Which parts are not accessible? No elevator to get upstairs in the building. Downstairs in the building and garden are accessible.
Are there loaner wheelchairs? Yes
Is there an accessible bathroom? Yes, in the garden
Is the door wide enough for a wheelchair? Yes
Are there grab bars? No
Is there a space to position a wheelchair next to the toilet? Yes
Are there guided tours that don’t have to go up steps? Possible. With advanced notice you can arrange a private tour.
Does advance notice need to be given for…
…handicapped parking? No
…opening of an accessible entrance? No
…loaner wheelchairs? Yes
…accessible tours? Yes
Is there a discount for someone with a disability and/or their companion? Free for disabled visitors
Address: 77 rue de Varenne, Paris, France, 75007
Telephone: 33 (0)1 44 18 61 10
Website: www.musee-rodin.fr
Email: francois@musee-rodin.fr
The entrance to the ticket office building is flat. You will find loaner wheelchair there:
After you pass through the ticket office building, a ramp with 4 star flatness will lead you to a courtyard with cobblestones (3 star smoothness). On the other side of the courtyard is the Rodin mansion:
There is a ramp to get into the Rodin mansion (shown in the photo on the left). You’ll need to get a staff member to open the side door into the building. Don’t miss The Thinker in the garden!
“Yes, that is the ramp (the one in the Sage picture). I am 120lbs , Kelley is young and works out every day. She was hardly able to push me up. AND the ramp leads to doors that only open from the inside. So you have to hope for someone to go inside and open the doors, at which point there is a lip that is difficult to push the chair over. There was no staff around. Going back down the ramp was dangerous in that Kelley had difficulty keeping control of the chair going down backward which I believe is the way to do it. The incline which goes to the bathrooms and restaurant is steep. I feel if it was an elderly couple ,a person alone or anyone pushing a heavy person, it would be not really possible.” – feedback from a recent visitor
View of the back of the mansion:
500 m path from the Rodin Museum to the entrance of Les Invalides, which holds the Army Museum:
Map of disabled parking spots near the Rodin Museum:
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