Wheelchair Access at Istanbul Archaeological Museum

Wheelchair access at the Istanbul Archaeological Museum is present throughout the museum but there are some cobblestones and hills outside of it. Although the museum is near the Topkapi Palace, there is a steep cobblestone street (3 star flatness, 3 star smoothness) between them so you should not visit them back to back. I recommend taking a taxi from your hotel and visiting this museum in the morning. The road leading to the museum is closed to the public and monitored by security guards but you should be able to get past them and get dropped off at the ticket booth if you tell them you are disabled.
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The museum actually consists of 3 buildings but only the Museum of Archaeology is accessible. This building is the highlight of the three so it’s not a big deal that you may miss the Museum of the Ancient Orient and the Tiled Kiosk. The Museum of Archaeology has an extensive ground floor containing excellent statues and sarcophagi, as well as a couple of upper floors in the back which house ruins from Troy (Truva) and other locations. To reach the Museum of Archaeology, go past the ticket booth and it will be on your right. The ramp is to the right of the steps.
Is there an accessible entrance? Yes, to the right of the main entrance (which has 12 steps), there is a ramp leading up to the building (3 star smoothness, 4 star flatness). You will need to knock on the door so that a staff member can open it from the inside.
Where is the closest place that cars/taxis can drop-off people? If you can convince the security guards at the gate to let your taxi pass because you have a disability, you can be dropped off at the ticket booth. You probably need to know the word for “disabled” or “wheelchair” in Turkish to get past.
What are the nearby tram stations? Gülhane
Where is the closest disabled parking? Book a room here and I will find out for you.
Are there cobblestones or hills leading to the entrance? If you get dropped off at the ticket booth, you will only have 50 meters of cobblestones (5 star flatness, 3 star smoothness) leading to the ramp into the building. If you get dropped off near the three arches of the old city wall at the intersection of Alemdar and Sogukçesme, you will have 150 meters of uphill cobblestones (3 star flatness, 4 star smoothness) to get to the ticket booth.
What percentage of the attraction can be viewed without having to go up steps? 100% of the Museum of Archeology is accessible using an elevator in the southern corner of the building.
Which parts are not accessible? The Museum of the Ancient Orient and the Tiled Kiosk
Are there loaner wheelchairs? Book a room here and I will find out for you.
Is there a wheelchair accessible bathroom? Yes, I used one that was reached from the northeast end of the inner courtyard. The restroom inside the building may be wheelchair accessible as well.
Is the door wide enough for a wheelchair? Yes
Are there grab bars? Yes
Is there a space to position a wheelchair next to the toilet? Yes
Are there guided tours that don’t have to go up steps? No guided tours or audioguide. The captions throughout the museum have English translations.
Does advance notice need to be given for…
…handicapped parking? Book a room here and I will find out for you.
…opening of an accessible entrance? No
…loaner wheelchairs? Book a room here and I will find out for you.
…accessible tours? No guided tours.
Is there a discount for someone with a disability and/or their companion? Free
Opening Hours: 9-17:00, closed Monday
How many hours do most able-bodied tourists spend there on their first visit? 2 hours
Address: Osman Hamdi Bey Yokusu, Gülhane Eminönü, Ýstanbul, 34400, Turkey
Telephone: 0212 244 25 02 or 0212 520 7740
Website: http://www.aktuelarkeoloji.com/ (only in Turkish),http://www.goturkey.com/content.php?cid=47517&typ=c&lng=en,http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313679A66406202CCB01966176E3ABFFFF2
Email: info@aktuelarkeoloji.com
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